Dear Bubby,
I go to school with a girl who told me that a friend of hers at the Skating Rink said she likes me. I didn't know who she was talking about until yesterday. And I loved her the first time I saw her! But what if she's over me already? I wanna just walk up to her and tell her I like her. But for some reason, I can't! I really like her. Am I just chicken? I'm so confused! Help!
Dear Corey,
It's so nice to have someone who likes you and confides her feelings to another friend. Don't be afraid - If you really like her go up to her - say hello - ask her about school - maybe what do you do after school? Tell her what you like to do and you might ask her if she would like to take a walk after school (if you can afford it you might stop off for pizza but don't tell her what you plan) It will be lots of fun. I know.

If you like this girl - be positive - speak up and have fun.
Let me know how you made out.
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