Dear Bubby,
I am only in 9th grade, but I am overweight. I don't look it too much, but I'm close to 200 pounds. Whenever I go around skinny people, I can't help but feel fat and become jealous. As a teenager I don't belong anywhere, and I blame my weight.
I want to weigh a lot less, and be healthy as well. I've tried dieting and exercising, but I can never keep myself motivated to do any of that for very long.
What can I do to turn myself around and be healthy and fit?
Ready to Change
Dear Ready to Change,
First, you should go to a Doctor who is a nutritionist. He or she will take some tests and put you on a very special diet. You MUST follow it implicitly. Suppose you had a disease that would require a special diet like High Blood Pressure or diabetes? You would certainly follow the diet.
Then you should enroll in an exercise class and go regularly. If you want to live to a right old age you must take care of yourself now. Have your Mother take you to the doctor first and find out if your organs are good and then get on with the program.
The day will come that you will lose a lot of unwanted weight and you will be able to enjoy life as you should at your age.
Good luck,
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