Guess Who's Back!
Since Bubby couldn't possibly respond to the hundreds of letters waiting her reply in her inbox (did we mention she's 91?), she thought she'd offer some generalized advice that speak to the issues most of you write to her about.
So herrrrrrre's Bubby...
For a long time I wasn’t well and was not able to get back to my friends through out the country. But now I’m feeling better and I want to acknowledge all my friends who are so kind to write to me. And I wish them all well. And I hope they will continue to write and tell me about all the things they have been doing. I’m feeling much better and I’ve been spending my time knitting a lot of scarves.

My roommate was with me. And she said afterwards, that my eyes sparkled like a flirt. I was embarrassed.
And then it was time for him to go to the station. He missed one train. And then he missed another train. And then we had to go because there was only one more train to New York . And we walked him to the station, and he said, “Is it OK if I write to you? Will you answer me?” And I said, “If you want to.” And then the next day I got a letter. And then day after, I got another letter. And the day after, I got another letter. And everyday I got a letter from him. 215 letters. I think I still have a couple. So I answered him. But if I skipped a day, he would call me.
I was also seeing another boy at the time. His uncle was a doctor and he came from a comfortable family, because he had his own car, which was a big deal. When he drove he only wanted me sit up very close to him in the car. But he would come and sit on the porch with me. But when one of the girl’s in the sorority told him I had a boyfriend, he asked me if that was true. I said, “Well, I don’t know if I’d call him a boyfriend, but I see him a lot.” And that boy said, “Well, to me that sounds like a boyfriend.”
Then my father told me he didn’t like him. So I wrote him a letter. I wrote: “Don’t write to me anymore. Because my father told me I should break it off with you. So you have to forget about me. I must listen to my father. He pays my tuition.” But he wouldn’t take no for an answer. And we were married by his father, a rabbi.
Be Happy
Life is what you make it. It can be happy or sad. But to be good it must be one of joy and happiness. Because every person has happiness in his soul. And if you keep thinking sad things, you are a sad person. So be happy. And life will be good to you. Everyday should be filled with sunshine and the sun follows the rain. The earth is cleansed.
Fun Summer Reading
Since so many of you write to us about broken hearts, longing hearts and hopeful hearts, we thought you'd like to hear about this new book. Bubby endorses it below (and you can view previews of the books, too)...
"If you want to read a good book, full of joy and good health and happiness, I recommend this book, especially if you are sad. And lonely. Reading this book will bring you joy and happiness. Joy and happiness will bring you good health. If you want to see some joy and fun, you must look at the cartoons made by my granddaughter. They are available on the Internet."
~ Bubby
And if you haven't yet checked out Bubby's book, it's the perfect read for a few hours at the beach. If you think YOU'VE got problems, check out what everyone else is kvetching about...
Available today at
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offered lovingly from the heart and in good spirit, we are not responsible in any way for your decision to accept or
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